Frank Morris

Frank Morris

Associate Broker


Listing Agent, Landlord

Client Testimonials

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"Frank has been a gem! I was undecided about certain aspects of listing my property for rent. Using his knowledge and expertise, we decided upon the best strategy and he helped me find renters quickly! He has continued to provide resources drawing from his vast network. I have been impressed with his professionalism and accessibility. He is punctual, attentive and has offered excellent suggestions based on my goals. I also felt as though I was a priority and that he was concerned about my best interest, he really helped me weigh the pros and cons of many situations. I would highly recommend Frank, and I look forward to working with him again."

"When I needed to sell my apartment fast, a friend who had recently bought a place, recommended Frank. From our first meeting to discuss goals, Frank was a dedicated partner who was open to my ideas, while offering his own experience. From having an open house, to reliably returning my calls, Frank built trust with me, along with potential buyers. I believe, it's one of the reasons the unit sold within the first 60 days of being listed. If you need a professional who knows the area, understands the market, and works with both buyer and seller, Frank's number is the only one you should be calling."

"Shopping for a new home was stressful - very stressful. My wife and I didn’t know where to start, what we could afford or what to look for in Westchester UNTIL WE MET FRANK. Frank quickly helped us prioritize our wants and needs, narrow down our towns to target and very patiently took us on showing after showing until we finally found our dream home. He skillfully helped us negotiate a great deal and held our hands throughout the closing process. We are so fortunate to have had Frank by our side and are now nestled peacefully in our dream home!"

"Frank has earned every bit of praise I can throw his way. He made the process of buying our co op relatively painless, in spite of some difficulty provided by other parties. There was about a month of lag time between handing in our co op application and approval during which Frank repeatedly reached out to management on our behalf and sped the process along. He answered my calls or questions at any time of day or night, and was 100% transparent with us through the whole process. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND him to any person looking to buy or sell any real-estate and suggest first time buyers strongly consider him."

"Frank Morris entered my life as I began the search for a new co-op and started the process of selling my current apartment. He was an essential resource for the people and services I needed to get my home of 30 years in shape for listing and showing. As I searched for a new apartment, Frank quickly understood exactly what I was looking for and showed appropriate spaces, only. He was in constant contact with me and, thanks to Frank, I found exactly what I wanted when he alerted me to a new listing. Frank has been a pleasure to work with as he guided me through the new territory of real estate buying and selling. He is knowledgeable, caring, responsive, responsible and he takes the initiative when called for. I recommend Frank with enthusiasm to anyone in search of an agent. "

About Frank
Character. Location. Value. 


Whether you are buying or selling your home you should expect the best from those you have chosen to accomplish your goals. 


Character.  Frank Morris is known in his community for his honesty, integrity, and hard work ethic to meet his clients’ needs.  Frank guides his team with his passion, marketing ability and design sense to get results for his clients.  Since 2014, Frank has built a reputation for the efficient results- based method he has developed through experience, Nationally recognized intensive elite training and mentoring with some of the top agents in the State of New York.   As a licensed Associate Broker, Frank is at the highest level of practice in his field.   


When the client is the priority, responsiveness is key.  Being empathetic, listening and understanding the clients’ goals gives the Frank Morris Team a unique edge in a competitive market.  When selling, Frank will use his experience and knowledge of design to create an immaculate presentation of your home.  When buying, Frank will listen with intention to understand what is most important to match you to the home of your dreams - without conflict or delay. 


Location.  As a life-long Westchester County resident, Frank has a deep and personal familiarity with the community.  Born and raised in Pelham, New York, Frank now lives with his wife and two sons in Mamaroneck.  Frank’s background includes residential construction, landlord-tenant relations, and customer service.    Since 2014, Frank has closed over two hundred residential transactions, and a variety of commercial as well, in Westchester County.


Value.   To achieve the most from the person you have trusted with one of the most important decisions in life, you need an authentic and honest partner.  Hard work, dedication, experience, and knowledge sets the Frank Morris Team above the rest.  It is a privilege to partner with clients on such an important event in their lives. The Frank Morris Team’s mission is to deliver the seamless and successful experience their clients deserve.


Frank Morris’ Listings

Listed By CompassNew


Square Feet
a view of an entryway with wooden floor
a view of a room with a fireplace and wooden floor
an empty room with wooden floor and windows
an empty room with wooden floor and windows
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances granite countertop a refrigerator a stove and a sink
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances granite countertop wooden cabinets a refrigerator and a sink
a view of cupboard
a view of empty room with wooden floor and fan
a view of an empty room
a bathroom with a sink a vanity and a shower
a view of a room with racks on the wall
a view of storage and utility room
a view of a entryway of a building
a view of a building with outdoor space
a view of a room with gym equipment
a view of a room with gym equipment
a view of an empty room with a window
a living room with furniture and white walls
a building view
Listed By CompassPending


Square Feet
a view of an empty room with wooden floor and a window
a view of empty room with wooden floor and fan
a view of empty room with wooden floor
a view of empty room with wooden floor and fan
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances granite countertop white cabinets and a stove top oven
a close view of sink a faucet and appliance
an empty room with wooden floor and windows
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a view of an empty room with wooden floor and a window
a view of an empty room with wooden floor and a window
a lobby with furniture and mirror
a view of a street with sitting area
a view of a building
a utility room with dryer and washer
a view of swimming pool with chairs
Listed By CompassPending


Square Feet