Katie Kilcommons

Katie Kilcommons

Sales Associate

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Client Testimonials

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"Katie and I are good friends and for as long as I’ve known her, she has always been an incredibly hard worker. Her dedication to her career is like no other. I bought my first home from her which was an exciting but nerve-racking change for me, Katie was with me for every step, which made the transaction far less scary! She answered all of my questions, handled the communications between all parties to get the job done flawlessly. I couldn’t be happier!" - Dolan

"Great experience from check-in to check out. Grateful for the assistance your office provided with our document issue. Overall, wonderful. Hard to believe it was back in March that we met you. It was here before we knew it! Thanks for checking in. Your commitment to customer service and your follow through with the smallest details will serve you well on the road to becoming a millionaire! Best to you." - O'Reilly

"You and Delman rock! Your agency has handled a rental for our reunion twice now. The first time everything (including the lack of pandemics!) worked great and Delman got a gold star as being way better to deal with than another big name we have dealt with. And this time? You have been patient, helpful and WOW, effective. You’ve got ALL our business in the future. Thank you so much for your help in a very difficult time" - Jewett

"Katie, is a knowledgeable realtor. Her experience in construction and finance has not only helped our firm negotiate purchase prices and sell our properties faster but also gain our trust. She’s one of a kind, surely always transparent and willing to go above and beyond to make her clients happy" - Carto

"Your professionalism made our vacay easy! I appreciate all of your help this past summer. You’re a 10/10 Rental Manager." - Cooksey

"​​ A huge shoutout to Lila Delman’s Katie Kilcommons for her efforts and great job as my rental agent. Great to work with and fantastic response time to help with any and all issues! " - Jordan

"​​ Hi Katie, thanks so much for your efforts on our behalf. It’s obvious you are a pro - because your instincts were spot-on, as Dan related, your having correctly anticipated a line leak from the tank. I apologize for my dismissiveness in that regard. You were steadfast, cooperative, and gracious throughout our issues and our communications. We love the area and feel very well-served by you and Lila Delman Realty. I’d love to buy here, and if I get serious about that, I’ll promise you and the Lila Delman company will be the first to get my inquiry. Best wishes as we continue this adventure. " - Haigh

" I wanted to reach out to make you aware of and express my gratitude for the exceptional level of assistance I received from Katie Kilcommons in resolving an issue we experienced at a rental property. The issue had nothing at all to do with Lila Delman, but Katie stepped in to help immediately. I have no doubt this would not be resolved had Katie not stepped in to assist. My son is a URI student renting in Narragansett and was erroneously billed by a heating company for repairs that should have been billed to the landlord. After countless phone calls to the company and months of getting nowhere, I was at the end of my rope. I reached out to Lila Delman to make the landlord aware of the situation. I received a call from Katie immediately after sending my email. Katie took ownership of this issue, making numerous calls to the company, the landlord, and myself until the issue was resolved. Dealing with this company was beyond frustrating, but she was tenacious, keeping after them daily to rectify the situation. I am sure she had plenty of more important things to do than to help us resolve this issue. She truly went far above and beyond my expectations, even offering to visit the property for us to check the propane tank which is overdue to be filled because of this issue. I’m truly grateful for her assistance and hope she is recognized for her amazing commitment to excellence. Thank you for the exceptional level of service. "- Tansino

About Katie

With more than a decade of experience in the real estate industry, Katie is a Rhode Island native who fell in love with residential real estate early in her career. She gained valuable knowledge working under a custom luxury builder and has since expanded her expertise to provide her clients with an exceptional experience.

As the lead agent for Lila Delman Compass’s largest rental department, located at their flagship office in Narragansett, and their Jamestown office, Katie managed vacation, winter, and yearly rentals. She worked closely with her rental director and Jamestown manager to enhance both departments, implementing state-of-the-art rental software, updated rental contracts, and expanded services offered to owners and tenants.

Katie’s involvement in restoring and remodeling homes provides buyers and sellers with a unique perspective. She enjoys assisting her sellers with preparing their homes for the market and helping her buyers identify properties that suit their needs. Her knowledge of rentals and investment properties allows her to offer insights on important factors to consider when making a purchase.

Before becoming a full-time sales associate, Katie worked as a Print Ad Coordinator for Lila Delman Compass. This experience gave her a firsthand understanding of what the company offers their clients, and she continues to enhance her education to stay on top of current marketing trends.

Katie is passionate about the industry and values her clients’ time. She strives to represent homes for sale in the best possible light and find the ideal homes for purchase, always exceeding expectations. Home is one of her favorite places to be, and she works tirelessly to ensure her clients feel the same way.

Katie Kilcommons’ Listings

Listed By Compass


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