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Ken Cui

Licensed Associate Real Estate Salesperson | Licensed as Chunyu Cui
About Ken
Ken Cui received his bachelor's degree in engineering Shanghai, China in 1978 and his Master of Business Administration degree in New York in 1990. He has lived and worked in Manhattan for over 30 years, witnessing the ups and downs of the US economy and mastering the Manhattan real estate market supply and demand. He is experienced in the Manhattan living environment and its cultural characteristics and currently works for Compass, one of the top ten leading real estate companies in US. The company has the widest range of housing coverage in Manhattan and New York City, aiming to provide the most accurate real estate information and professional advice based on the different needs of customers, choosing the most suitable housing payments and ensuring the most complete and complete housing is reliable Housing transactions.

崔淳瑜先生为1978届上海大学工科学士,1990年在纽约大学获工商管理硕士学位。在纽约曼哈顿三十余年的生活和工作经历,见证了美国经济发展的起伏跌宕,掌握了曼哈顿房地产市场的供求枢要,他深谙详熟曼哈顿各区居住环境和人文特色,服务于美国十大翘楚地产公司之一的Compass。该公司拥有涵盖面最广的曼哈顿及纽约市各区房源,其服务宗旨是根据客户的不同需求,提供最精确的房产信息及专业咨询,选择最合适的房屋款项,并确保最完善可靠的房屋买卖服务。 曼哈顿的房产类型主要有共有公寓、合作公寓及连栋房。有些新房、期房还享有15-20年的减免地税计划。作为一位优资的房产经纪人,他懂得即要满足客户的心理需求,更要运用自己的专业知识和能力,为客户房产投资中在安全、保质和性价比等多方面严格把关,规避风险,获享利益。 Compass团队有顶级地产投资律师、银行贷款专员、专业会计师,全方位协助您完成选房购房、银行贷款等各项财务和法律程序,让您轻松愉快地完成在曼哈顿进行房屋交易的各项流程,并提供验房、风水、设计、装修等后续相关服务。 欲在纽约购房 来找老崔帮忙

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