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Client Testimonials

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"When I moved to Dickson for my new job, I knew finding a home would be a challenge In today’s housing market. Moving to a new town where my contacts were limited, I began the home search on my own. I went to an open house and this is where I met my lifesaver, Mandy Lenfestey. She was so outgoing, friendly, and easy to talk to, but most of all, she was very knowledgeable about real estate.
We continued searching for the perfect home until I decided that building a new home would be my best option to get the type of home I wanted in the perfect location close to work. Mandy began the negotiation process. We had some challenges to overcome along the way. Mandy always stood up for my rights as her client and put my needs as top priority. She was available whenever I had a question and didn’t stop until she received the answers I wanted.
Not only was she my realtor but she also wanted to know me on a personal level. She would call or text just to see how I was doing or what the progress was on my home as it was being built. I am so thankful I was able to have such a great buyer’s experience and also gained a lifelong friend. I highly recommend her for all real estate needs. She’s the type of professional you want on your side!
Pam Bigham

"Mandy helped my Husband and I find our perfect first home! We met by happenstance at a house an hour from where we ended up purchasing a home. Mandy traveled all around the Nashville area meeting us at houses we picked out & dropping everything to meet us. She stuck with us on our hunt & guided us as first time home buyers. Answering first-timer questions should be at the top of her resume! Finally, she found our first family home that met more than our top 3 wishes! We couldn't have asked for a better realtor than Mandy. Thank you for all of your help!
Brittany & Chase Dodds

"My husband and I are first time homebuyers and Mandy made the process so easy for us. She was by our side the entire time and always available to answer all of our questions. If she didn’t know the answer to our question, she found the person who did and connected us with them right away! She also recommended an excellent mortgage lender and home inspector for us to work with. Mandy was an incredible advocate for us. When we had any issues, Mandy fought for us and communicated on our behalf. She is the best. We absolutely love our new home and we are so grateful for Mandy and all of her help and hard work in our home-buying process.
Jessica & Ryan Swindell

"Today we said goodbye to our beautiful home of six years. We are extremely grateful to Mandy Williams Lenfestey for bringing buyers to us and not having to hassle with going on the market! By far the easiest selling experience ever. If you're thinking about selling, give Mandy a call, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Jenny & Michael Sanders

About Mandy
Mandy is a founding member of The Koor Group, where she helps her clients with a seamless transaction while finding their dream home or next investment property. She gives her clients her highest level of energy and attention and understands the hard work needed to get top dollar for sellers and first showings for buyers. Her clients quickly become lifelong friends as she creates a fun and stress free experience for them through strong communication and professionalism.

Mandy has a hyper focus on the Spring Hill Luxury Market, where she has resided for the last 12 years. She has successfully closed over $25 Million in sales and has helped an abundance of clients all over middle Tennessee. Mandy is no stranger to hard work and her drive for success will make your home buying or selling experience one that you won't forget.

In addition to helping her clients, Mandy handles all transactions for The KOOR Group.

Mandy Lenfestey’s Listings

Listed By CompassActive Under Contract


Square Feet
a view of a pool
a front view of a house with a garden and trees
a view of a house with a yard
a front view of a house with a garden
a view of a house with a yard and sitting area
a view of a house with a porch
a living room with furniture and view of kitchen
a living room with furniture and a flat screen tv
a living room with furniture and a flat screen tv
a living room with furniture and a wooden floor
a view of a dining room with furniture and wooden floor
a view of a dining room with furniture
a kitchen with a sink stove and cabinets
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances granite countertop a sink a stove and cabinets
a kitchen with a sink appliances and cabinets
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances wooden floor and a large window
a dining room with a table and chairs
a bed room with a bed and a window
a bedroom with a bed and a flat screen tv
a bathroom with a double vanity sink mirror and shower
a bathroom with a double vanity sink a mirror a bathtub and window
a living room with furniture
a living room with furniture and a wooden floor
a living room with furniture and a large window
a bedroom with bed and a window
a spacious bedroom with a bed and a chandelier
a bathroom with a granite countertop sink toilet and a mirror
a view of a house with backyard
a view of a house with a yard
a view of outdoor space and swimming pool
a view of a park with large trees
a view of a yard with an outdoor space
a view of a forest with trees
a view of a lush green forest
a view of a forest with trees
a view of outdoor space with green field
a view of a house with a yard
a backyard of a house with lots of green space and trampoline
a front view of a house with a yard
an aerial view of a house with a yard basket ball court and outdoor seating
an aerial view of a house
an aerial view of a house with a yard and lake view
a view of a tennis court
a view of a tennis court
an aerial view of a house with a yard
a view of a lush green field
a view of a lush green field
an aerial view of a residential houses with outdoor space
a view of a city
a view of an swimming pool with a patio
Listed By CompassActive Under Contract


Square Feet
a view of garage and yard
a view of a city with an ocean
a view of a hallway to a livingroom with furniture
a living room with furniture a flat screen tv and a fireplace
a living room with furniture and a rug
a kitchen with kitchen island granite countertop wooden cabinets and refrigerator
a kitchen with granite countertop a stove and a sink
a view of a dining room with furniture window and outside view
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances kitchen island granite countertop a table chairs refrigerator and microwave
a kitchen with granite countertop wooden cabinets stainless steel appliances and a counter space
a kitchen with kitchen island granite countertop a sink and a stove
a bedroom with a bed and a dresser
a bathroom with a sink a toilet and a mirror
a bathroom with a glass shower door
a spacious bedroom with a bed and a chandelier
a bathroom with a sink a toilet and shower
a view of a workspace with furniture and a window
a view of backyard of house and garage
a view of a storage room with a table and chairs
a view of a storage room with a lot of stuff
a room with gym equipment and view of en suite bathroom
a view of a room with gym equipment
a view of a chairs and table in the balcony
a view of a patio with a table chairs and a patio
a view of kitchen with furniture and refrigerator
a view of a wooden chairs on the deck
an aerial view of a house with swimming pool
a front view of a house with a yard
a swimming pool with trees in the background
a bathroom with a shower
front view of a house with a yard
a front view of a house with a yard and garage
a view of a house with backyard and garden
an aerial view of a house with a garden
a front view of a house with yard
a front view of a house with swing and yard
a front view of a house with a yard
a view of a house with a yard
a front view of a house with a yard
a view of an outdoor space and a lake view
an aerial view of a city
Listed By Compass


Square Feet
a view of a chairs and table in a room
a front view of a house with a yard
a front view of a building
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances granite countertop a sink stove and refrigerator
a kitchen with a sink stove and microwave
a kitchen with kitchen island a white cabinets and refrigerator
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances a sink stove and cabinets
a kitchen with kitchen island stainless steel appliances a sink stove and refrigerator
a kitchen with a sink stove and wooden floor
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances a refrigerator a sink a stove and white cabinets
a kitchen with a sink a stove and refrigerator
a living room with furniture and a potted plant
a living room with furniture and painting on the wall
a living room with furniture and potted plant
a living room with a couch and a refrigerator
a living room with furniture and a painting on the wall
a bedroom with a bed and lamp
a bedroom with a bed and a lamp next to a window
a bedroom with a bed and painting on the wall
a bedroom with a bed and a potted plant
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a bathroom with a shower
a bathroom with a shower and a sink
a view of a room with gym equipment
a utility room with a washer and dryer
a living room with furniture and large windows
a living room with furniture and a large window
a living room with furniture a flat screen tv and a floor to ceiling window
a view of a city with tall buildings
a view of a garage
a view of a building with a balcony
a house view with a garden space
a house view with a garden space
a front view of a building with street view
a front view of a building with a street
Listed By CompassOpen: 6/2 02:00PM - 04:00PM


Square Feet
a view of balcony
a view of a city
an aerial view of residential houses with outdoor space
a view of a city
a view of a city
a view of a swimming pool with a lake view
an aerial view of a house with a big yard
a view of a city
a view of a lake view
a bathroom with a bathtub
a view of swimming pool from a balcony
a view of a yard
a view of swimming pool from a balcony
a view of a yard with an outdoor space
Listed By Compass


Square Feet