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Client Testimonials

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"Tory goes above and beyond for her clients and is always demonstrating how much she values that relationship. Early on, we discovered her talent for finding the best properties that never even make it to MLS. We have had an outstanding experience with Tory and couldn’t recommend her more!" - Elizabeth Don B.

"We couldn’t speak more highly of Tory. She was proactive, thorough, and always responsive throughout our sale and purchase processes. We would highly recommend her to anyone looking for an agent in the Westlake area. Working with Tory on the purchase and sale of our new and former homes was truly enjoyable." - Ben Courtney M.

"My experience with Tory Wortham as my realtor was EXCEPTIONAL! She was very knowledgeable and consistently attentive. Beyond the doing a tremendous job helping me purchase a home she has continually followed up even after the sale. She was a lot of fun to work with and she will be my realtor the next time I make a ." - Janet H

About Tory
Tory Wortham is a Real Estate Professional whose passion, dedication, and personable, direct approach to each and every transaction have quickly earned her the reputation as an up-and-coming industry leader.

Growing up, Tory moved often, but her one constant was visiting her beloved grandparents on Lake Travis in Austin. To this day, the lake property is still in the family, which is ultimately what drove her to make Austin her new home nearly two decades ago. Knowing how difficult it can be to move, Tory strives to create the most hassle-free buying and selling process possible. From list to close (and far beyond that), she always goes the extra mile.

As a proud long-time resident of Austin, Tory has cultivated extensive knowledge in the local luxury market of the Westlake and Central Austin communities, arming her with the aptitude to find the perfect high-end property for her buyers. And with an in-depth background, she is well-versed in strategically properties to attract the ideal target audience. Furthermore, she strives for complete transparency supplying all the information her clients need to make informed decisions, from traffic and taxes to topography and nearby amenities.

To Tory, a transaction goes beyond monetary gain and far beyond merely working with buyers or sellers to get them from point A to point B. She regards all transactions as golden opportunities to help people with one of the most important and largest investments they will ever make. It’s also an opportunity to build lasting relationships and make her community a better place.

Outside of the real estate world, Tory is a devoted mom, avid traveler, outdoorswoman, and an active member of her community. She is happily married to her husband James and they are the proud parents of two beautiful children, Jakes and Carlisle. Currently, she is deeply involved in the Bridge Point Elementary Booster Club. Prior to that, she served on the board as the President of Casner Christian Academy.

Whether it’s finding off-market or pre-market properties for her clients or effectively selling luxury properties for top dollar, Tory is committed to guiding her clients each step of the way. With an unwavering passion for both people and real estate, she is here to help you succeed, because your success is her success.

Tory Wortham’s Listings

front view of a house with a yard
a living room with furniture and a fireplace
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances kitchen island a refrigerator and a stove top oven
a kitchen with a refrigerator and a dining table
a living room with furniture and a large window
a view of a dining room with furniture window and wooden floor
a front view of a house with a yard
a front view of house with yard and green space
an aerial view of residential houses with outdoor space
a front view of a house with a yard
a front view of a house with a yard
a living room with furniture and a wooden floor
a view of a livingroom with furniture and a flat screen tv
a kitchen with a white cabinets and window
a kitchen with stainless steel appliances cabinets and wooden floor
a view of a room with storage and utility
a view of kitchen with cabinets and wooden floor
a workspace with furniture and a flat screen tv
a bathroom with a toilet sink and mirror
a view of entryway and hall with wooden floor
a bedroom with bed and wooden floor
a bathroom with a bathtub sink and mirror
a bathroom with a sink and a mirror
a bathroom with a bathtub and shower
a bedroom with a bed and wooden floor
a view of a sink and mirror
a living room with furniture and a book shelf
a bedroom with a bed and a table
a view of a room with wooden floor and furniture
a view of a house with swimming pool and sitting area
a view of a backyard with swimming pool
a view of a park with large trees
a view of a backyard with wooden floor
a view of outdoor space and hall
Listed By CompassActive Under Contract


Square Feet