Evan Duby

Evan Duby

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker


Townhouses, Brownstone Brooklyn


B.A. from The University of Connecticut
M.A. from Northeastern University
About Evan

Relationships Are Greater Than Transactions from Evan Duby on Vimeo.

Evan is a top-­producing broker specializing in townhouse and apartment sales throughout brownstone Brooklyn. Born in Manhattan and living in Park Slope, Evan’s business is fueled by referrals and built upon the principle that relationships are more important than transactions. As such, Evan is committed to serving his clients with integrity, transparency and discretion.

Evan’s listing strategy is designed to achieve the highest price and best terms possible for his sellers in today’s market. Drawing on his experience as a hedge fund money manager, Evan excels at capitalizing on imbalances in supply and demand to the benefit of his clients. He is also a skillful negotiator whose proven track record as a closer speaks for itself.

When working with buyers, Evan helps his clients separate signal from noise in highly competitive markets. He believes the process of buying is best viewed as a study in efficiency and self­-confidence. Well­ versed in emergent digital technologies and platforms, Evan leverages leading edge tools to ensure his clients are able to act with great vigor upon finding their ideal property.

Prior to real estate, Evan spent meaningful time on both Wall Street and in the music industry. He earned an athletic scholarship and Bachelor of Arts in Physiology from the University of Connecticut as well as a Masters of Arts in Sociology & Anthropology from Northeastern University. Evan is a husband, father, homeowner, and music entrepreneur leading an eclectic life borne out of the vibrant cultural traditions that only Brooklyn can engender.

A logo saying The Parkside team with a streetlight logo

Evan Duby’s Listings

Listed By CompassContract Signed


Square Feet
Listed By CompassContract Signed


Square Feet