Jana Welch

Jana Welch

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

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"I decided to put my Brooklyn brownstone on the market last spring. After interviewing quite a few real estate agents over the year, I, without hesitation, brought Jana Welch in to sell my home. Jana was warm, savvy, forthright and spot on about the worth of my home. She even brought her visual creativity to the process by actually going out on my back deck, getting on her hands and knees, and transforming a mediocre garden into one of great beauty! (Her background as a visual designer came in quite handy). Jana put her heart into the process. She is honest, hard working and most importantly, has the rare ability to make real connections with people in quick time -- the mark of a great salesperson. I am grateful for having her there to sell my home. It is worth noting that the house went very quickly for a very good price. Anyone who works with Jana will be extremely lucky to have her on their team." - Patti

"From the moment we met Jana, we were impressed by her warmth, candor, humor and professionalism. She got to know us and worked tirelessly to help us find an amazing apartment that suited our specific needs, as well as exceeded our expectations. She has a keen eye and intimate knowledge of the market, and we recommend her highly to anyone who may be looking for a new place to call home." - Bessie and Will

"Jana Welch had a steady, calm, approachable and professional presence in our housing search in Brooklyn. She was fully committed to and worked hard in finding the perfect apartment for our growing family, even in one of the most competitive real estate rental markets in brownstone Brooklyn. She earnestly worked with us for several months and never let us feel forgotten or overlooked. She also brought in creative solutions, negotiated with brokers on our behalf, and persistently followed up on potential rental leads. She always demonstrated her commitment to building good and positive relationships with her clients. Jana was a real gem and a pleasure to work with!" - Rachel and Gregory

"Jana, I just wanted to reach out and thank you for all the hard work, energy and time you put into me and Anthony during our apartment hunt. You took a stressful time for us and made it a lot of fun.We wish you all the luck in the world with your new career, but not so much that you’re too busy when we look for a forever home in the coming years!" - Kristen and Anthoy

"Jana, I was so happy to have found Jana to help me sell my house. Selling a home you have lived in for many years can be complicated and very stressful, and I was so glad to have Jana there to help me through the process. She works extremely hard, makes herself available and has a calm and steadying presence - I could relax knowing that nothing would fall through the cracks. I can't think of anyone I would have trusted more to sell my house and I would highly recommend Jana to anyone." - Jill

"Jana was an absolute dream to work with. She was impeccably sharp, clear, attentive, and kind throughout our home-buying process. Her knowledge and expertise were invaluable. She and her team guided us through some very challenging negotiations with sound advice, integrity and grace. She always had our best interests in mind, and kept her eye on the calendar for us so we didn't miss anything. In short, she helped us achieve what felt impossible, and we are so grateful to her." - Jill & Rachel

"For close to a decade I put off selling my apartment because the idea of it seemed overwhelming. Finally I contacted Jana and from our very first phone conversation, I knew that I and my property were being well taken care of. Even when Covid led to unexpected delays, Jana kept me in the loop and anxiety free. Even better: She found a fabulous new buyer above asking price. When I am ready to re-enter the real estate market, I won’t take ten years but ten seconds to pick up the phone to work with Jana again." - Ayana

"Jana was the second real estate agent we met with when we decided to put our co-op on the market and we went no further. Her warmth, positivity, and energy immediately put us at ease. She made an overwhelming task seem so simple. Jana always went above and beyond working tirelessly to sell our apartment. Selling was a necessity for us and it came at a difficult time for anyone trying to sell. Thanks to Jana we had an offer within a week. Beyond selling our place, Jana has continued to provide valuable assistance and recommendations as we transition into our new home. Her professional advice and hand holding throughout the process were deeply appreciated. If you are looking to sell your home we couldn’t recommend a better agent than Jana!" - Jamie & Joe

About Jana
Jana grew up in Port Arthur, Texas, the hometown of Janis Joplin. Her parents found their dream home but it wasn't in the perfect spot. So they had the entire house picked up and moved to another lot in the neighborhood. This experience left a lasting impression on Jana and created a deep appreciation for the importance of home - both as a place and a concept. She wants to help others find the perfect home, a refuge from the daily grind, a place to re-energize and spend quality time with family and friends. And this desire drew her to the real estate profession after a long and fruitful career in advertising. Over the past 30 years, Jana worked for some of the biggest advertising agencies and was responsible for facilitating and producing high-profile projects for brands. The skills that helped her in her advertising career were put into action in residential real estate. She earned a reputation as a reliable, organized, detail-oriented, go-to person as well as an effective problem-solver. And she is comfortable navigating complex deals with high stakes and tight deadlines. Having lived in the city for three decades now, Jana has become a savvy, streetwise New Yorker but has managed to retain the charm and kindness of her Texan roots. These characteristics have earned her praise and respect throughout her career, helping her build meaningful, long-lasting relationships. Jana has lived in Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens, so she is comfortable working with clients wherever the need arises. With her passion, tireless work ethic, and ability to consistently close the deal to everyone's satisfaction, she looks forward to bringing together buyers and sellers to help others find that perfect home. Jana lives in Park Slope with her partner, their two kids, a cat and a dog. Everybody on their block knows her because she believes in the power of community and has been very active in it. She also owns a home upstate that she renovated with love, and operates an Airbnb as well. In between deals, Jana enjoys making home repairs, videography, editing, hiking, cycling and motorcycling.

Jana Welch’s Listings

Listed By CompassContract Signed


Square Feet
lot size
16' x 100'
Listed By CompassContract Signed


Square Feet