Nadia Dilendorf

Nadia Dilendorf

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

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Results-oriented solutions that make a real impact when selling or renting your property.

-  Local clients; International Investors

-  Condominiums, New Development Sales, Investment Properties

-  Over 17 years of experience in New York

-  Member of REBNY

Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian


Client Testimonials

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"Our collaboration started in 2020 when I needed to rent out my apartment in New York.

Given the complexity of the situation, as I do not permanently reside in this city, I was looking for a reliable specialist whom I could fully trust and feel comfortable to work with. Meeting Nadia turned out to be very lucky, and my choice was completely justified! 

She consistently demonstrated a high level of qualification and professionalism throughout the entire process, from renting out the apartment to subsequently selling my investment property at 201 West 74 Street in New York.


Over the course of our three (3) years of cooperation, we have developed a very respectful and trusting relationship. Nadia has a deep understanding and excellent knowledge of the local market's peculiarities.


My property was sold at the full initial price and within the shortest possible time and I am very happy for successfully completed!

Now I am ready for a new my dream chapter in my new life, traveling …


If you are thinking of selling or buying, I would definitely recommend to work with Nadia Dilendorf " Best Regards, Dina  R.

"We would like to express our sincerest gratitude towards Nadia Dilendorf. Her tenderness and sense of tact were with us the whole three months while the transaction was commencing.

Nadia’s communicational skills, her ability to grasp the heart of the matter, understand the needs of her clients; quick reaction to any offer, ability to coordinate the involved parties makes you understand you’re dealing with the high class professional, an expert in her area.

Her professionalism is undeniable, her passion and love towards her work and such personal qualities as kindness, sincerity, willingness to help and satisfy any need of her client proves that we have made the right choice of our agent. With great pleasure we would recommend Nadia to all of our friends” Sincerely yours,
" - Viktoria and Sergey

"In this review we would like to write about the job Nadia Dilendorf has done. We are glad that we were lucky enough to meet and work with such great real estate broker as Nadia. We can state that Nadia is doing a vast amount of work.

One of the positive qualities of Nadia is her ability to analyze facts, gather necessary information and on the basis of that make well balanced decisions. Nadia shows her abilities by reviewing various options, choosing the most suitable and thus satisfying clients’ requests and needs.

When working with clients Nadia gets to the bottom of things, separating important from the unnecessary. Very often we used to rely on her in various matters and she could make the right decision by immediately analyzing a situation which helped us choose between several options.

Another good Nadia’s quality is her ability to prioritize, plan her work and define targets. She rarely leaves uncompleted tasks for the last moment. She is attentive not only to the tasks in general, but to details as well. Even when force majeure situations occur, Nadia is able to evaluate all the possible consequences, to clarify the details and to modify her tasks and plans according to the new situation.

Her experience and self-control is one of the reasons why we want to keep working with her. We are grateful to Nadia Dilendorf for the well accomplished work and results!” Best,
" - Valery, Angelica, Marina and Harry

"Be a foreigner and dream of New York .After visiting an international real estate exhibition in Gostiny Dvor. My parents and I met the representative of MIEL Company. He convinced us that we are having the right dream. He gave us brochures and provided with detailed information about standing offers. We were offered to meet with his partner in New York to look for the available real estate offers.

Nadia Dilendorf personally called us and we agreed to arrange a meeting. We’ve met with Nadia in New York. She turned out to be not only competent and knowledgeable real estate broker, but a wonderful and pleasant person as well. She had thoroughly planned all the visits and provided us with all the necessary information. After our first visit to Hudson 77 in Jersey City we understood at once that this is exactly what we were looking for. It is in close proximity to Downtown Manhattan – just one step away. When the final decision was made, Nadia helped us with all the documentation, negotiated the payment terms, recommended us a good Russian speaking lawyer and set up the date for the closing deal. By our next visit all the documentation was prepared and reviewed and we only needed to sign them. I really enjoyed how accurate and competent American professionals were and I would recommend them to anyone from Russia who is interested in purchasing real estate property in America. Without the knowledge of American laws and peculiarities of real estate business it is very hard to get a clear picture and to make the right choice, that’s why the help of real professional is very important. Currently I am studying in New York and I am very glad with my apartment I’ve chosen”

Here is a link to the building we’ve talked about:
" - Julia

"Nadia, Thank you so very much for all of your hard work and efforts. I know, we closed this deal only because of your patience and dedication. It would have never happened without you.
Again, a big thank you from all my family!” Best,
" - Beata

"Dear Nadia, Thank you for everything you have done.
I know you carved out a lot of your time to spend with me, and dealing with my property. I am extremely appreciative of that and know this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship!
You really did an amazing job finding my and Amanda's Home. Nadia, Thank you again”  Kind Regards, Nicole

About Nadia

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As a Global Real Estate Advisor, Nadia specializes in catering to the unique buying and investing requirements of foreign buyers. With over 17 years of experience in the New York real estate market, she possesses comprehensive knowledge of every neighborhood, enabling her to provide invaluable insights to her clients.

Throughout her career, Nadia has consistently delivered exceptional results and established herself as an expert in the luxury condominium and cooperative sectors. Her strong business acumen, extensive expertise, and diligent work ethic make her a valuable asset to buyers, sellers, and investors who seek top-tier service.

Nadia's key strength lies in her ability to understand and cater to the diverse needs of her clientele. She excels at building robust client relationships through open and personalized communication. By collaborating with individuals from various cultural backgrounds, Nadia ensures that their property acquisition goals are successfully met.

In delivering comprehensive service, Nadia has cultivated solid relationships with a handpicked group of trusted service providers. From closing attorneys, mortgage lenders, and insurance agents to title companies, accountants, and appraisers, she ensures that every aspect of her clients' real estate transactions is handled with meticulous care.

Above all, Nadia is known for her unwavering honesty, integrity, and commitment to delivering elite customer service. She combines her extensive knowledge base and skill set with a dedicated approach to meeting the high expectations of her distinguished clients. Whether you are buying, selling, or investing in the residential real estate market, Nadia's expertise, professionalism, and personalized approach make her the ideal choice for achieving your goals.

If you are ready to embark on this important phase of your life, contact Nadia today and allow her to guide you through the journey. Thank you!

Nadia Dilendorf’s Listings

Listed By CompassOpen: 6/2 01:00PM - 03:00PM


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