Robin Roy

Robin Roy

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson | Licensed as Robin J. Roy

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Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent

Languages: English, French, German


Smith College
University of Chicago
Columbia University
Client Testimonials

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"I met Robin in the summer of 2019 and was immediately impressed with her market knowledge, professionalism, and sincerity. In that first meeting, she established such an excellent rapport with me that I knew when I was ready to sell, I would trust her with my listing. In early 2021, in addition to a global pandemic and many people fleeing Manhattan, my situation was complicated further in that I had already moved out of state over 600 miles away. By that time, I also had a tenant in my apartment, but when I finally was ready to list, Robin was my first and only call. My tenant was less than fastidious so I knew marketing and showing the apartment would not be easy, but Robin was more than up for the challenge. She flawlessly ran point between me and the tenant on every aspect of the transaction including staging and getting the apartment professionally photographed, creating an attractive and compelling online profile, and hosting open houses all the way to preparing the unit for the final walk-through. Robin is a great listener and addressed each and every one of my concerns throughout the process. She was proactive as well as responsive; she was always on top of whatever was happening, giving me updates along with her expert opinion on what step to take next. I never wondered where I stood in the process and my expectations were always properly managed. Her thorough analysis of the market, close monitoring of comparable units in my building as well as neighborhood, and expert interpretation of the market data available were all tools she used to create a comprehensive pricing strategy which I believe was key in the execution of the sale. Robin developed a marketing plan and priced the apartment both attractively and realistically while always keeping her finger on the pulse of the market. She screened prospective buyers and liaised with the coop board, buyers’ broker, and real estate attorney. I was able to sleep at night so far away knowing that the listing was in her very capable hands. I can’t recall a time when I worked with someone like Robin who cared so much about getting me a positive outcome and who was willing to go the extra mile to get it. "

"I am happy to recommend Robin Roy, who recently helped me to sell my Sutton area apartment. Referred to me by another resident of my building, Robin was knowledgeable, professional and cheerful throughout the process. She analyzed the market for apartments like mine and determined that it would be superior to others on the market. We priced it accordingly and received an excellent offer immediately. Robin then carefully assessed the buyer’s capacity to succeed in the co-op application process, and we made a deal. The co-op selling process can be long and frustrating, but Robin was always available to discuss the progress and status, and her cordial working relationship with the managing agent helped keep everything on track. " - Robert Abrams, Esq., Seller

"My wife and I are delighted to recommend Robin Roy as a real estate agent.  We intend to turn to her for the future sale of our NYC residence and for any purchase that we might make to replace our residence. We recently turned to her for the possible purchase of a professional office.  She agreed to work with us respecting the parameters we set forth.  Very shortly, she came up with choices, one of which was perfect in every regard.  With amiable good cheer and professionalism, she guided us through all the various steps that led to the successful purchase.  When we closed, she was present and--consistent with her prior happy participation in our journey from start to finish-- joined us in a bit of celebration.   We have no intention of turning to anyone other than Robin Roy for any further real estate possibilities in the future.  We enthusiastically recommend her to any and all. " - Nancy and Doug Ingram

"We loved working with Robin to find our home. She listened to us, kept us up to date on new listings, and helped us navigate the buying process. Robin is the ultimate professional. She is honest, diligent and a great advocate for her clients. Kathy and Dan Jones" - Kathy and Dan Jones

"Robin is the perfect real estate agent. I needed an apartment on the East Side quickly. Knowledgeable about the inventory, she was thorough and brought a reassuring calmness to the process. She listened and understood what I was looking for, worked hard to find properties that fit my needs, accommodated my schedule, and stayed on top of listing agents to get the job done. I strongly recommend her!" - JB

About Robin
Robin draws close parallels between her five+ years helping clients to sell and buy homes throughout Manhattan and her thirty years as a higher education fundraiser, helping to fulfill the goals of New York’s most discriminating philanthropists. A focused listener, analytic thinker, and astute problem solver, Robin inspires confidence through her attentive and responsive professional style and puts her clients at ease with her ready smile.

A native New Yorker, Robin has lived way, way uptown, way, way downtown, steps from Central Park and steps from Sutton Place. Out of town, she is most at home in the high peaks region of the Adirondacks, and along the New England seacoast. A one-time landscape designer, she has a special interest in residences with outdoor space. And as a life-long musician and devotee of New York’s wealth of classical music offerings, Robin is always attuned to music-friendly homes. She can often be seen around town toting her cello in a shiny claret-colored case.

Robin is an alumna of the Brearley School, Smith College, the University of Chicago and Columbia Business School. She has traveled the world with her academic physician husband, is the proud mother of a commercial airline pilot, and enjoys practicing French, German and Italian on her Duolingo app whenever she can.

Robin Roy’s Listings

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