Susan Jung

Susan Jung

REALTOR® | DRE# 01984588


Languages: English, Cantonese, Chinese

Client Testimonials

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"After interviewing several other agents, we decided to go with Susan Jung. What set her apart was her attention to detail and unique marketing plan. She does not just put your house on the MLS and hope it sells. We’ve seen her personally door-knocking around our neighborhood passing out flyers and talking to buyers interested in our house. We couldn't be any happier with the results because our house sold quickly and received offers on the 2nd day on the market. We went into escrow after nine days on the market selling above our asking price. We knew she was the person to get things done and she did. I highly recommend Susan Jung to folks who are looking to sell their home." - Sharlene and Jason V. LA

"All realtors claimed they go the extra mile in selling their clients’ home, but truthfully few use any additional measures than the competition. Susan helped us prepare our home prior to putting the house on the market. What she did was to help us clear out our clutter and move most of our personal items into an area that wasn’t as visible. She’s able to come in from the buyer’s perspective to give us her insight of what it would take to sell our home quickly and at the price we want. In addition, Susan found what we wanted in a home. She handled all the details and oversaw escrow from selling our home to purchasing an up leg. I highly recommend Susan as she is a great communicator and is transparent with us on all the details. " - Michael and Michelle G. Carson/Torrance

"I was referred to Susan Jung by a co-worker.  I was a first time home buyer (VA loan) and didn't understand the real estate process.  Susan navigated the real estate process on my behalf very directly, professionally, to my ultimate satisfaction and maximum benefit.  Susan worked tirelessly, to obtain the loan officer, home inspector, appraisal official and termite inspector.  She even took time from her busy schedule to conduct a few visits to the property, with me, after we initially reviewed the property, just to ensure that I thoroughly reviewed everything and was happy with the location.  Susan also got the seller to fix many of the issues with my home, prior to closing escrow (brand new dishwasher).  Susan is a champion for her customers and works behind the scenes to ensure that all of your needs are fully met.  I'm very happy with my new and first home thanks to Susan.  If you do get the opportunity to work with her, please know that in dealing with various officials, real estate brokers and sellers, Susan is a fierce tiger that will give you high quality results.  It may take some time to find a home that meets all of your requirements, but be patient and give her 6 months, she won't disappoint..." - Calvin A. San Pedro

"Susan Jung sold my duplex in LA after only two weeks on the market with multiple offers when previous agents had the property on the market for over six months and couldn’t get it sold. After meeting with Susan, she recommends few things to change and to improve on; Susan also helped me rearranged the furniture to stage the property for quick sale. Susan negotiated the best terms for me and helped protected me from the buyer who after closed of escrow wanted to seek for monetary damages." - Sylvia C. LA

"Susan sold my investment property before it hit the market. I couldn’t believe when she told me she had an offer at hand and is pleased by the offer she presented. The property had quite a few of deferred Maintainence which I thought it would sit on the market for period. I am happy with the services Susan provided as her and her team walked me through every process; including line by line explanation of the disclosures and making it clear for us to address and help us stay away from future legal matters." - Luis and Maria C. Southeast Torrance
"Susan has been involved in the Real Estate since 1999. Since she left the corporate environment of finance and accounting in midtown Manhattan, New York City, she found her passion in helping each family/person in making smart and wise decision in home ownership or investments. She has been fascinated with the market and enjoys helping sellers and buyers throughout the real estate arena. She helps her clients (sellers and buyers) build wealth through real estate. "

"Susan is known in the real estate industry as a cutting-edge, results oriented leader. Her results are founded from a service-based approach that puts clients first. She is well networked in the the industry and has developed several key partnerships in all areas of the real estate and ancillary service industries including title companies, lenders, inspectors, contractors, attorneys, tax professional, insurance companies, and escrow officers. She has attributed much of her success to the key partnerships that she have developed. "

" Susan services comprised of standard sale transactions, short-sale, probate sale, commercial sale, land/lot sale, and leases. She works with all facets of clients which includes standard buyers & sellers, distressed sellers, institutional sellers, buy and hold investors, and flip investors. "

" Susan is committed to her clients and provides an exceptional real estate experience that ensures they receive outstanding personal service and professional representation. "

About Susan
I began my real estate career in 1999 after leaving the corporate world as an accountant in a financial institution. I brought with me an eye for numbers and cost savings. Through this, I was able to channel my thought process into assisting my clients in the various facets of real estate to save them money and gain equity. I’ve helped many clients build and protect wealth through real estate, and hope to do the same for you.

I am known in the real estate industry as a cutting-edge, results-oriented leader who puts my clients first. The key partnerships that I have developed over the years have allowed me to achieve success in various aspects of real estate and ancillary service industries and I attribute much of my success to those relationships.

As an adaptive and flexible agent, I find that most sellers need support to market their homes effectively, highlight the unique characteristics of the house, and get multiple offers. The majority of potential buyers now view homes through social media so my marketing strategy utilizes all platforms for maximum exposure. Through every step in the process, I ensure my clients get the support they need for a seamless close. I am looking forward to partnering with you and working for you.