Michael W Barker

Michael W Barker



Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation
About Michael W
From back when he was growing up, helping his parents with odd jobs around an apartment complex they ran, Michael has always had a passion for real estate. He enjoys sharing his knowledge of the industry with clients, from the ins-and-outs of Oahu’s varied neighborhoods, to information on the structure and systems of the home itself, he loves talking about real estate.

Aside from the excitement of searching for your next home, Michael, with an education in finance, is tuned into real estate as an investment as well. From interest rates, to cap rates, short-term rental laws and more, he understands the wealth building aspect of real estate, and is always willing to give you his two-cents on ideas.

Originally from Minnesota, Michael moved out to Hawaii in 2014 and got into the real estate industry in 2016. Originally a showing agent for other realtors, he has been in thousands of homes and has seen every corner of the island. Outside of work, Michael enjoys exploring the beauty of the islands' beaches and hikes, traveling, and music.