Ashley Condon

Ashley Condon


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Interior Architectural Design at Academy of Art University 
About Ashley

I am a bi-coastal real estate agent, spanning from my roots in San Francisco to my new home of Boston, Wellesley, and Nantucket. I have been servicing clients in highly-competitive, sophisticated, and complex real estate transactions for almost a decade. I am no stranger to a multiple offer situation on either end of the transaction and am a pro at navigating the process when the stakes are high (and aren’t they always?).


My passion for real estate was sparked by having lived in widely-varying style of homes where I developed a unique and personal understanding of the many facets of home ownership and what it means to fulfill the basic human needs of safety, shelter and comfort. This experience catalyzed my interest in how we design, live, and occupy a home leading me to a degree in Interior Architecture and Design at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. The jump from designing homes to a career in real estate happened naturally 9 years ago when I realized my clients needed my guidance, expertise, and holistic approach before, during, and after the home buying and/or selling process. I never imagined a career that could tie together my education and passion with such harmony, that allows me to service my clients.



Motto: Designer of futures, finder of happiness, and lifelong optimist