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Brooke Williamson


Social Media


Homeward Certified, Online Relocation Specialist


Bowling Green State University - Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude
About Brooke
Brooke is a Midwest girl at heart, but she considers Austin her home. She has been an Austinite since 2009 and can’t imagine anywhere else she’d rather call home. She absolutely loves the fabulous weather, great restaurants, outdoor activities, and awesome music scene, not to mention the amazing, down-to-earth people. When she’s not helping her fantastic clients she enjoys exercising, attending live music events, experiencing the vibrant social scene and exploring Austin’s local hidden gems (if you work with her she might let you in on a few secrets).

After graduating Cum Laude from BGSU Brooke paid her dues and earned credibility in numerous sales careers, most of which were in the technology sector. Her desire to use her natural gifts with helping people in her everyday life compelled her to search for something more. This ultimately led her to an especially fulfilling career in real estate. She loves what she does every day and knows she made the best decision of her life! Taking the chance has paid off and she’s never looked back (mainly because she’s too busy assisting her clients in finding their new home).

Not only is she passionate about real estate, but she also is knowledgeable and understanding of the Austin housing market. She’s deeply invested in her clients, dedicated to delivering their needs and committed to turning homeownership into reality. Please contact Brooke, as she would love to be of service in your new home journey.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” -Albert Einstein

Brooke Williamson’s Listings

Listed By CompassOpen: 6/15 12:00PM - 02:00PM


Square Feet