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David Fidanza

Licensed Real Estate Broker


Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Foreclosure, Short-Sale
About David

David Fidanza is a seasoned Real Estate Broker with over two decades of experience in the industry. A graduate of DePaul University, David initially ventured into corporate finance, leveraging his education and skills to navigate the intricacies of financial markets. However, his passion for real estate led him to transition his career path over 24 years ago, where he has excelled as a top producer in the real estate field.

David's commitment to excellence and client satisfaction has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor in the real estate market. With a deep understanding of market trends and a keen eye for investment opportunities, David has helped numerous clients achieve their real estate goals, whether buying, selling, or investing.

Beyond his professional achievements, David is known for his dedication to his community and industry. He actively engages in professional development initiatives and stays abreast of the latest advancements in real estate technology and practices. His integrity, professionalism, and unwavering work ethic set him apart in a competitive industry.

Outside of work, David enjoys spending time with his family and pursuing his interests in travel and photography. His zest for life and commitment to excellence are evident in everything he does, both personally and professionally.

Connect with David today to experience firsthand his unparalleled expertise and personalized approach to real estate