Joseph DeLorenzo's Profile Photo

Joseph DeLorenzo

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker


Oversaw $100M in sales over the past 7 years


Top 1% of NRT Agents nationwide while at the Corcoran Group


Listing Broker, Negotiation, Off Market Transactions


Rutgers University
About Joseph
For Joseph DeLorenzo, real estate has been a way of life practically since birth. Born into a family of industry professionals, he's been selling real estate since the tender age of 18. From his family's firm in Princeton, New Jersey to the top brokerages in New York City, Joseph has ascended the ranks, earning accolades as a top producer at every turn and has presided over $100 million in sales volume in the past seven years.

With an innovative approach to marketing, tenacious negotiating skills and tremendous focus and drive, Joseph has earned a solid reputation as a leading broker for both buyers and sellers. He's known for his adept procurement of off-market options, and he takes immense pride in his ability to market properties to their highest potential by crafting bespoke, creative efforts that drive value and response. Above all, Joseph strives to be a trusted guide and resource to his clients. "Moving can seem daunting," he says. "But I love helping people navigate through this process, which can be the biggest personal and financial decisions someone can make."

Always ready to learn new things and embrace unique experiences, Joseph prefers the road less traveled and takes an off-the-beaten path approach whether he's exploring the great outdoors, new cities or different cultures. He's also an avid photographer whose visual acuity and keen eye for detail are an asset to his real estate clientele.


My experience with Joseph was exceptional. He knew the right questions to ask, was efficient with our time, and quickly found me the perfect apartment. In fact, he proved to be so reliable and knowledgeable that we engaged him to help the rest of the executive team at Cole Haan and are grateful to him. We plan to work with Joseph again on all of our NYC Real Estate needs. Joseph is a true pro and I highly recommend him.

- Jack Boys, CEO of Cole Haan