Julianne Williams

Julianne Williams

Agent | DRE 01935586

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About Julianne
Julianne is a true California native, born in San Francisco and raised in Los Angeles. As a child to parents who loved to renovate their homes, Julianne has real estate in her blood and has inherited the same love of real estate and home design.

In high school, Julianne was a cheerleader, softball player, and volleyball player and she brings this enthusiasm and energy with her in everything she does. In her early 20’s, Julianne got an early start in several different fields including working in the baking industry, clothing production, retail, and worldwide shipping. In 1996, she toured the country with her husband’s band and freelanced as a makeup artist and wardrobe assistant.

Later, Julianne discovered the entertainment industry and worked as an executive/personal assistant for 18 years. It was here where she learned that her persistence, attention to detail and good nature could get her through any obstacle. Julianne isn't afraid to commit and has an unbridled, adventurous spirit when it comes to finding a place to home her clients.

The past few years, Julianne has also spent time redeveloping properties in Los Angeles with her husband and her six-year-old son, Jack. With that experience, Julianne can consult clients on any design needs their homes. It’s Julianne’s amazing ability to see the possibilities in homes, like diamonds in the rough, that gives her the advantage to find you your own diamond in the rough or help you sell your diamond top dollar.