About Kathleen
  1. Hi there! My name is Kathleen Fisher, and I'm a licensed Realtor in Pennsylvania. My journey in the real estate industry began after I graduated from Villanova University in 2017. I started my career as a real estate photographer, capturing the essence of countless homes throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. This experience gave me invaluable insights into how to showcase a property in its best possible light before listing it on the market. Currently, I live on a family-run horse farm just outside the vibrant heart of Kennett Square.  Growing up with a lifelong connection to horses, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in this niche market. I find great joy in helping clients find the perfect equestrian property that suits their needs. With my dedication, expertise, and creative approach, I am committed to guiding my clients through the real estate process and helping them find their perfect home. Whether it's capturing stunning visuals or providing personalized service, I am here to assist you in achieving your real estate goals.