Kimberly Birdsall

Kimberly Birdsall

Realtor® | DRE# 01292102


Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Consulting, Contract Negotiations


University of Phoenix
Bachelor Of Science (Business, Project Management) - 2012

University of Phoenix
(Economics, Business Management) - 2009 - 2011
About Kimberly
Kim was born and raised on the Peninsula and is a professional in her field with over 23 years of Real Estate/Construction experience. With a degree in Business Management, Kim can make any transaction run smoothly. She is dedicated to helping her clients sell their current home and/or to find that perfect home. Kim has established a powerful network and is well respected by her colleagues in the industry. She knows the market, and, as an expert in her field (with a proven track record of outstanding sales), she has the expertise and knowledge that makes her listings stand out and to help eager buyers find that perfect home. With Kim’s excellent negotiation skills, and with her exceptional networking and finely tuned marketing skills, she has the advantage of selling any property. Her specialty of studying recent sales and staying abreast of market trends helps her to guide clients thru any real estate transaction.