Leah Solomon

Leah Solomon

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Social Media


Multi Million Dollar Club

Brooklyn’s top 20 Sales Agents


Brownstones Houses in Brooklyn

Preparing Properties for Sale /Renovating and Staging


MID Product Design Pratt Institute in Brooklyn

MA McMaster University

Client Testimonials

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"I could not have dreamed up a better agent than Leah Solomon. She inspires absolute trust and confidence. She provided excellent guidance for us every step of the way in selling our Park Slope brownstone. She is a patient, calm, and reassuring guide. She was so available and responsive that she gave me the impression our house sale was the only thing she had to worry about." Shanny, Seller

"Leah made all the difference in the sale of our house. She was spectacular! At every turn she moved our sale forward with the highest level of expertise, integrity, and problem solving skills. I can say without a doubt we would not have realized our sale price without her skillful management of the process. She is simply the best!" Cliff, Seller

" No need to shop around for agents - Leah’s the best! My aged sister never sold a house before and was very nervous about it, but Leah and her team made the entire process easy. She took care of EVERYTHING. She got top dollar for us. I strongly recommend Leah - she’s knowledgeable, understands the market and works hard for you to get the best deal possible." Art and Deb, Sellers
"Thanks so much for working with us - you were endlessly patient and supportive, and especially good at lifting our spirits during difficult patches. You also had such great instincts about how to stage and show the house. We'd recommend you to anyone we know who is looking to sell a property. Thanks again for helping us with our big move. We feel very lucky." Kate and Mark, Sellers

"We loved our experience with Leah. Her knowledge of the market and experience in the neighborhood were crucial. She is extremely thorough and never let any of our questions or concerns go unresolved. And her impeccable taste and skills at staging made our house lovely and inviting. She made the stressful time of selling a house that much easier." Jon and Jenny, Sellers

About Leah
In 1998, Leah began her Real Estate career in Brooklyn as a developer, working with her husband, Jayson Halladay (see our Team bio here ). In this capacity, she has had the great fortune to spend her days living the Real Estate Dream - investing in properties and designing and creating beautiful, high-quality homes. After more than 40 properties bought, renovated and sold with her own money on the line, Leah has seen every possible twist and turn a deal can take. Prior to becoming an agent herself in 2013, Leah hired dozens of agents to represent her in her own purchases and sales. She learned first hand what a buyer and seller need and deserve. She became an agent to leverage her extensive experience and do the job up to the standards she expected in her own transactions.

Her clients appreciate her integrity and her friendly, down-to-earth, experience-based approach. Because Leah has personally been through the process of buying and selling (and moving!) so many times, she has become extremely strategic and proactive in managing transactions. Mindful of the potential stress of the process, Leah works tirelessly to prevent or remove stressors so her clients can focus on the next phase of their lives.

Through experience with her own money on the line, Leah has developed proven strategies to get her sellers the best possible price (and her buyers the best possible deal) in any market - high or low. With her design and development expertise, Leah is uniquely positioned to prepare and stage your home to look its absolute best - and she has a crack team of contractors and handymen to call on so you don't need to hire anyone but her. She knows which marketing and presentation strategies are most effective, and her problem-solving and negotiating skills are exceptional.

Originally from Western Canada, Leah and her family have lived within walking distance of Prospect Park in Brooklyn for over 20 years. She has two Masters Degrees: one in English Lit. and one in Product Design from Brooklyn's Pratt Institute. (She even did an internship with General Motors, working on a concept for Cadillac!).

You will find her several times a week at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, laden down with her children’s instruments and supplies. Other days she will be hanging out with her kids at the playground or behind PS 321, painting, knitting with her daughter, or making pottery at a local ceramics studio. She never has enough handmade cups or bowls because she keeps giving them away.

Leah Solomon’s Listings

Listed By Compass


Square Feet
lot size
20' x 100'