Regina Augat

Regina Augat

About Regina
Agent is affiliated with Kinlin Grover which is now a part of Compass.
Jim & Regina moved up from Connecticut in 2004 with their 2 young children having resided and raised them in Bass River, South Yarmouth since 2005, as well as Falmouth since 2014. Living here year-round with children has given them plenty of time to experience and explore all of the Cape...from schools, beaches, activities, towns and so much more. Knowledgeable throughout all of Cape Cod!
They have both been in sales since 1986 selling from Miami to Boston with Jim having a retail store in the SoHo area of NYC. They have listed & sold throughout Cape Cod from Falmouth to Eastham and everywhere in between. They are knowledgeable in all areas of buying and selling. Over the years combined they have achieved 6 real estate designations to better their ability to assist their clients. Don't hesitate to call, text or email for any questions regarding your real estate needs.