Rick Davis

Rick Davis

REALTOR® | DRE# 01211140


Buyer's agent, Listing agent, Consulting, Commercial R.E.


University of California, San Diego - Chemistry Major

United States International University - Chemistry Major

Client Testimonials

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"I have used Rick on a few deals and he has been very responsive and got what we felt was a fair price for our property. He is always knowledgeable on all the directions these purchases can go. We were able to close without any issues."

About Rick
Rick grew up in San Diego as the son in a Navy family.  After spending 40 years in the resort town of Mammoth Lakes, California, he is back living in the University City neighborhood where he was raised.

With extensive local knowledge, use of Compass' technical real estate tools, and a passion for customer service, he delivers real estate transaction experience at the highest level, earning him the prestigious SDAR Recognition of Excellence Award 2 years in a row.

He looks forward to working with you to find your dream property.