Ryan Gallen

Ryan Gallen


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Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Commercial R.E.


Visit Ryan’s LinkedIn profile to view more about his background in real estate.

  • Masters of Business Administration
    DePaul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
    Emphasis: Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Investment/Finance
  • Coldwell Banker, Lincoln Park Office, Realtor
  • Pearson Realty Group, Realtor
About Ryan

Ryan Gallen has always prioritized strong, ongoing client relationships, which has become the hallmark of his real estate business. Leveraging his engaging personality, responsiveness, and genuine interest in each client’s success, he ensures every buyer and seller feels comfortable and cared for throughout the entire real estate transaction process — and beyond.

Realizing the complexity and stress of buying or selling a home, Ryan is first and foremost an advisor. He applies his deep knowledge, expertise, and problem-solving capabilities to guide clients in their options and decisions, with the ultimate goal of delivering high confidence and satisfaction. His entrepreneurial spirit and strong analytics skills, honed through his post-graduate education and own real estate investing, is a unique advantage for his clients, particularly in negotiations and deal closing.

Prior to joining Granoski | Weil & Associates, Ryan was the co-lead agent of a highly successful real estate team at Coldwell Banker in Chicago. Between 2021-2022 alone, Ryan and his team closed more than 40 transactions involving residential and multi-family properties, including a 55-unit student housing building in Illinois. Before that, he worked for Pearson Realty Group, where he represented buyers, sellers, and investors throughout the greater Chicago area.

A mid-Peninsula native who grew up in Menlo Park and attended nearby schools, Ryan has a deep understanding of the local real estate market. His passion for the Bay Area has brought him and his business back home from Chicago, where he’s excited to serve clients and make an impact in the neighborhoods that he knows and loves.

Ryan currently resides in Burlingame and remains highly involved in the community. He is particularly devoted to Stanford University, where his family is deep-rooted faculty, and is an active member in the Tulane and DePaul Alumni Clubs of San Francisco. Outside of work, Ryan loves attending San Francisco Giants games, spending beautiful days in Half Moon Bay, and enjoying time with his family, who still resides in Menlo Park.